Dynamic PGO in .NET 7

With .NET 7 release, the .NET team has released dynamic PGO functionality for JIT in CoreCLR. Static PGO was already there with .NET 6 release, but with 7, we have both Static and dynamic PGO. Static PGO is by default on in .NET 6 and 7, the dynamic PGO we have to opt into with the flag. But before we enable it, let’s understand quickly what PGO means itself and what’s the difference between its static and dynamic variants....

May 7, 2023 · 3 min · Shreyas Jejurkar

List of Podcasts channels for .NET C# developers

Just like I have aggregated YouTube channels for .NET developers, with this post I will be sharing the list of podcasts channel that you can consider listening to in order to keep up to date with .NET and related stuff. Because taking screen time off is important but learning and curiosity should not be stopped. The Unhandled Exception Podcast Adventures in .NET The .NET Core Podcast Null Pointers no dogma podcast DevTalk with Kerry W....

April 7, 2022 · 1 min · ShreyasJejurkar

List of YouTube channels for .NET C# developers

Following is the list of youtube channels that I have aggregated for .NET C# (Csharp) developers. I personally follow them every day and subscribed. Please note that this does not represent any kind of ranking. I would suggest going through them one by one looking at their content and playlist section and if you are interested give them a sub! Along the time, I will keep this list updated, if I missed someone, please let me know in the comment section below!...

January 24, 2022 · 1 min · ShreyasJejurkar

Clean Architecture with C# .NET

Today, in this post I will walk you through the basics and important concepts related to Clean architecture with .NET. What is Clean Architecture Clean architecture is the next iteration of the very well know architecture patterns that we used to see in the past like Hexagonal, Onion, and Screaming architecture. This architecture is by no means a silver bullet or first-class solution to all architecture problems or complexities that we face today....

April 22, 2021 · 6 min · ShreyasJejurkar

Log Entity Framework Core generated SQL in ASP.NET Core

If you’re a .NET developer, then you are most probably familiar with Entity Framework data access technology that Microsoft provides for developers. But still, if you are not familiar then let me explain to you. Entity Framework is an Object (Relational) Mapper for database objects, meaning it lets you query database records using LINQ (Language-integrated query) and under the hood, it generates the resulting query based on your LINQ expression and executes it on the database, and if there are resulting records from SQL query then those records EF maps to your C# class objects, so that you don’t have to do that heavy lifting for mapping database values to C# objects and vice versa....

November 15, 2020 · 3 min · ShreyasJejurkar