Hi Everyone. Today I am going to tell you one trick that you haven’t know. Have you ever heard that you can display your name in taskbar at bottom?
As everybody know there is a clock, in bottom right hand side of your taskbar. Today I my trick I will tell you “How can you display your name at the position of AM and PM of clock.” So just follow the procedure.

1. Click on that time block at bottom right corner. Then click on “Change time and date settings”.
2. Then in Date and Time settings click on “Change date and time..”

3. Then in next window click on link “Change calender settings”.
4. Then in customize format window. Switch tab to “Time” at top.
5. And their change AM and PM symbol to the text that you want to display.

6. In my case I have set it to name “Shreyas” and “Mike”. After that click on apply and now you can see your name (or text that you have set) instead of AM and PM.
7. You can reset this settings by clicking reset on same time settings.
Isnt it intresting?
Try now.