Hello everyone. I am again here with a new hack or may be its a trick.
While in my last post of recycle bin I have told you the method that how can you get recycle bin on your My Computer(more specifically in file explorer).
By default in Windows, you have a Recycle Bin app on your desktop. But can you delete it from there? If you go though simpler way I.e. Right clicking on Recycle Bin and looking for delete option to delete. Then you will definitely fail, because there is no option to delete it.
So today I my post I am going to tell you that “How you can delete the Recycle Bin App from Desktop”.
There is one important step to do and nothing so much. So follow following steps.
1. Press Windows logo key + Q. In search bar type following


2. And hit enter on first app that is Windows Register Editor
3. In registry navigate to this location.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ Desktop\NameSpace\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}

And delete the key.

This will remove the Recycle Bin from your desktop.
And if you again want to get recycle bin on desktop. Then
1. Right Click on the Desktop, go to personalize.
2. On left hand side, click on Change Desktop icons option.
3. And their check the box of Recycle Bin, you will get it again on desktop.

So this is just a simple hack, that how you can remove the Recycle Bin from Desktop.
Hope so you have enjoy it.
If you face any problem while doing this, then don’t forget to reply me in comment section below.