Hello there. I am Shreyas. After a long time I am came back with a new troubleshooting post about Windows 8.1. I know Windows 10 has been launched but still I am going to tell you about 8.1
Mostly when people upgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, they face one problem about crashing of Change PC settings. This happen mostly when something get wrong while upgrading Windows version.
But its so easy to solve this problem.
So follow the steps and get rid from this frustrating problem.
1. Open Command Prompt (Administrative). You can do this by pressing Windows logo key+X simultaneously and then from that short menu click on Command Prompt (administrative).
2. In that CMD window. Type the following command carefully.

powershell -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register $Env:SystemRoot\ImmersiveControlPanel\AppxManifest.xml

Actually this is a Powershell command. This command will repair the component of “Change PC settings”. After full command execution the CMD will return to same directory of system.
3. There is no requirement of restarting PC, but I will suggest you to restart the computer once. And then open “Change PC Settings”. You will notice the change.
Thanks for reading. If any problem then ask in comment section below.